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On June 5, 2023 in Thanh Hoa, the signing ceremony of cooperation between Thanh Hoa East Asia Football Club and STARBALM Sports Care brand from the Netherlands took place. Thereby, Biomedical Equipment Joint Stock Company (BIOMEQ) & STARBALM will officially be the sponsor of Sports Care products for Dong A Thanh Hoa FC.

SB_THANH-HOA-FC-1The ceremony was attended by Mr. Ly Chanh Minh - STARBALM Representative Communications Director and Mr. Cao Hoang Duc - CEO of Dong A Thanh Hoa FC. During the ceremony, Mr. Ly Chanh Minh said that the cooperation with Thanh Hoa East Asia Club is part of STARBALM's ongoing series of activities to spread and raise awareness of "Exercise With A Plan", from That emphasizes the importance of practicing sports properly, bringing optimal efficiency to the Players as well as the Club's coaching staff during training and competition. This is also a step that shows the prestige and quality of STARBALM to customers and consumers when it is constantly accompanied by partners and big football clubs in Vietnam.

SB_THANH-HOA-FC-3In recent years, Vietnamese football has strongly integrated with the general development of international football and achieved remarkable results. The reality of injuries in the training and competition activities of the players of the Thanh Hoa East Asia Club behind the achievements is also a big problem for the Board of Directors of this team. Therefore, medical work is always paid special attention, with the cooperation with STARBALM, this will definitely be a "shield" to protect the backs of the Players, minimizing the risk of injury and self-harm. Believe in maintaining your form so that you can go further on the road to conquering the top.

SB_THANH-HOA-FC-4STARBALM is a "name" that is no stranger to large and small sports tournaments across Vietnam in general and within the framework of V. League 1 in particular, Thanh Hoa Dong A Club is the second football club that STARBALM has cooperated with. working after Hanoi Capital FC. As a support unit of comprehensive solutions for sports care, STARBALM brand from the Netherlands under the famous Novum Pharma B.V Group brings leading product lines to optimize the effective start-up process. , solve problems with aches and pains, support movement, prevent injuries and recover quickly... for the players of Thanh Hoa Dong A Club.

SB_THANH-HOA-FC-5STARBALM has now covered more than 70 countries around the world with products that are committed to effectiveness with 100% safe ingredients from natural herbs combined with the most advanced spray technology today. STARBALM is proud to affirm its quality through positive reviews from athletes from amateur to professional, as well as being "chosen to send gold" by sports lovers as an effective assistant on the training journey. physically fit and maintain a healthy body.


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